Freelance Editing Jobs: What Every Writer Needs to Know

Relay Publishing
5 min readSep 13, 2023


Have you ever dreamed of being a freelance fiction editor? As a freelance editor, you get to help writers refine their stories, hone their craft, and bring their vision to life.

But getting freelance editing jobs isn’t as straightforward as it seems. It takes skill and knowledge to land one, plus the right attitude and a willingness to work hard for your client.

In this article, we’ll go over the basics of freelance fiction editing jobs — from how to become an editor to where you can find freelance gigs.

How Do I Become a Freelance Editor?

To become a freelance editor, you need more than just a love for books and writing — you need an impressive skill set as well.

You need to develop an excellent eye for detail and grammar, be able to provide constructive feedback in an encouraging way, understand different writing styles, and possess top-notch research skills.

Additionally, freelance editors are expected to have a degree in English literature, history, communications or journalism.

Although there’s no official professional editing accreditation in the U.S., in order to stand out from the competition, you may want to consider taking editing courses from reputable colleges and universities.

Here are some popular programs you may want to look into further:

How do I Get My First Freelance Editing Job?

Finding freelance editing jobs is getting easier day by day, in no small part due to the increasing popularity of gig job sites.

Now, landing an editing job isn’t as straightforward as finding one. While having an impressive skill set is important, you also need to build relationships and market yourself appropriately in order to get hired.

Start by developing a strong portfolio showcasing your best work, including positive feedback from clients.

Create a freelance editor profile on websites like Upwork and Fiverr and add work samples and testimonials from your portfolio.

Then engage with other writers online via social media and freelance writing forums, and join professional groups and networks that cater specifically to freelance editors.

Finally, reach out to your personal and extended networks so you can get introduced to potential clients through a trusted source.

5 Different Places Where You Can Find Freelance Fiction Editing Jobs

Once you’ve polished your editing skills and your portfolio is ready, it’s time to start looking for freelance gigs.

Fortunately, there are many different places where you can find freelance editing clients from around the world.

Here are five of them:

1. Online Job Boards

Many job boards, like Monster and Indeed, list freelance editing opportunities. Just do a quick search and you’ll find plenty of openings from clients ranging from websites to indie publishers, self-publishing authors, and businesses at large among many others.

2. Social Media

From Facebook to Twitter to LinkedIn, many editors find freelance gig opportunities on social media. Just make sure you’re making the most of your account profiles and engaging with other writers or potential clients online.

Many platforms, like Facebook, host popular industry groups, and others, like LinkedIn, even have built-in job search tools.

3. Freelance Writing Websites

Sites like Upwork, Fiverr and Freelancer are all huge marketplaces for freelance job opportunities, including freelance editing services.

Some of these sites list opportunities while others allow you to set up a freelance editor profile where you can add your portfolio, your rates, and client testimonials.

4. Personal Networks

Once you have cobbled together a solid portfolio of work, it’s time to reach out to your personal and extended networks to see if you can get an introduction to people or organizations looking for editing work.

Talk to family and friends and ask colleagues or former employers if they know anyone who’s looking for an editor. You’d be surprised how far a personal recommendation may take you.

5. Indie Publishing & Literary Agents

If you want to take freelance editing jobs to the next level, consider reaching out to local indie publishing and literary agents for freelance gigs.

While large publishers already have editors on staff, most indie publishers and small publishing houses tend to hire freelancers.

And don’t forget to apply at Relay Publishing. We’re constantly looking for talented fiction editors!

In Conclusion

Freelance editing is an amazing field of work that can become quite lucrative over time. Not only will it help you build a career with a worldwide clientele, but it’ll also allow you to make a living doing what you love while working full time from home.

With the right strategies, skills, and determination, you’ll be able to land great freelance editing opportunities with consistency.

By following these simple tips, reading up on industry trends, and taking courses to sharpen your skills, freelance editing can become a highly rewarding career.

Good luck on your freelance editing journey!

Harry Wallett is the Founder and Managing Director of Relay Publishing. Combining his entrepreneurial background with a love of great stories, Harry founded Relay in 2013 as a fresh way to create books and for writers to earn a living from their work. Since then, Relay has sold 3+ million copies and worked with 100s of writers on bestselling titles such as Defending Innocence, The Alveria Dragon Akademy Series and Rancher’s Family Christmas. Harry oversees the creative direction of the company, and works to develop a supportive collaborative environment for the Relay team to thrive within in order to fulfill our mission to create unputdownable books.

Relay Publishing Wants You

If you think you have what it takes to become a brilliant writer, editor, or storyliner, Relay Publishing has a range of exciting opportunities.

Find out more about us, and get in touch. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Republished with permission from Relay Publishing



Relay Publishing

Relay has founded a collaborative environment for literary creatives to exercise their skillset and develop their craft across a multitude of fiction genres.